Today, as we pay tributes to the great Sons of the Soil- The Great Martyrs’-Shaheed Bhagat Singh, Shaheed Sukhdev Thapar and Shaheed Shivaram Rajguru who sacrificed their today for our tomorrow-for India, it is also imperative to search our souls. Search our souls, indeed, to see if we are following the path they would want us to tread…to see if we live in an India which is free from the shackles of poverty, corruption…
Time it is for sure to introspect if we have not fallen prey to greed, to selfishness…time it is to look beyond ourselves…to help those around us as much as we can so that all are equal- in terms of opportunities, of education, of life in all its facets..
So, today, we bring to you a conversation from our archives-our guest on the show is Prof Jagmohan Singh, nephew of Shaheed Bhagat Singh -this is a conversation which holds much relevance today. Prof Jagmohan shares a number of anecdotes, talks about the ‘Real Bhagat Singh’ not as he is frozen in time but as the world ought to know him.
This conversation was recorded some years back – So incase you missed it earlier, Do listen – into the rebroadcast for sure, today, 23rd March, on our Hindi Radio Show, From our Archives, on MeraSangeet USA at 3:00 PM – EST