In conversation with Hessann Farooqi, Executive Director, Boston Climate Action Network

Hessann Farooqi is the Executive Director of the Boston Climate Action Network. He is the youngest person and the first person of color appointed to lead BCAN in its more than two-decade history. He studied economics at Boston University, worked in the United States Senate, and served on various federal, state, and local political campaigns.

Hessann also serves as an Environmental Justice Advisor to the Metropolitan Area Planning Council on developing their Greater Boston Climate Action Plan and supports MassRobotics on their Climate Robotics Working Group. He previously served as an advisor to The White House and Department of Energy’s Opportunity Project.

After studying economics at Boston University, organizing for climate action at the local and state levels, and working to elect climate champions to public office, Hessann is thrilled to help advocate for climate justice through BCAN.

So, the topic of discussion today is climate change, how each of us individuals can contribute to reversing the situation if we can at all, and much more around the topic. Tune -in for sure, today, 12th August, August, on MeraSangeet Gold at 6:00 AM, 10:00 AM, and 6:00 PM EST  and MeraSangeet USA/East at 7:00 PM and 12:00 PM EST.