Dr. Vikas Bhatara, (M.D. FCCP, CHA) is a very well-known doctor practicing in the United States. We will be airing more of these conversations with him, on various health issues, from time to time.
Today, Dr. Bhatara talks about Depression.
If you have any queries as regards this or any other health-related issues please email at [email protected]
Do tune in for the conversation, every Saturday, on our Hindi Radio Show, Chat and Chai, on MeraSangeet Gold at 7:00 AM, 11:00 AM, 3:00 PM, and 7:00 PM – EST. And if you miss it, listen in to the repeat shows, every Wednesday, on MeraSangeet Gold at 2:00 PM EST and on MeraSangeet USA at 3:00 PM – EST