In conversation with Percy,Walk Lead,CRY Los Angeles

We always want to give back to society and keep looking for ways to do so..Well, there are some people who do it actually..Percy,Walk Lead,CRY Los Angeles chapter  has been associated with CRY for a very long time and has been doing his bit..
You can do yours too…CRY Los Angeles Walk is on November 8th, a Sunday where you could take your children as well..n while you would have a fun filled day full of activities…you’ll light up the life of a child back
home in India….
The proceeds go for a very good cause in India and in the US as well…aapki janam-bhoomi aur aapki karam bhoomi…
So, if you want to reach Percy, do write in at [email protected] and do visit and
And do tune-in to the conversation, this Wednesday, Nov 4, at 7 AM, 9 AM, 11 AM, 2 PM, 5 PM & 8 PM EST on our Hindi Radio Show, Chat and Chai on MeraSangeet Gold